I participated in the
Friday Night Sew In for January. I have been working on two bags that are for birthday gifts. I had to finish this one because the dinner party is tonight at
Hibachi's in Philly. I'm still not sure if I'm going. It is so bitter cold out. I may be nice and babysit my grand kids so my daughter can go. Anyway this is another
Newport Bag. I made this for my son's girlfriend. I hope she likes it. I had this fabric awhile, it is by Timeless Treasure. I'm determined this year to put a dent in the fabric stash. I had meant to lengthen the strap on my next Newport Bag but remembered after I cut it. I'll try and remember for the one in the works below.

Now this one is in the works. It is for my sister, whose birthday has already passed. But by the time I see her again it should be finished. I needed more Pellon fusible fleece. On the way home from work I stopped by the super Jo~Ann's. And guess what? They were out. Sheesh, they have been having what is called a "winter warm up" sale and all batting is 50% off. People have been buying this stuff up. If I had known that I would have went to the smaller Jo~Ann store near work. Oh well. That is what 50% off coupons are for. I'll pick some up next week. I'm using a Moda Charm Pack for this one, it's called "Nostagia" by April Cornell.

After I left Jo~Ann's yesterday I made at stop at
Olde City Quilts to pick up some Valentine fabric. I need to get my apron done for the Flirty Apron Swap. Here's the fabric I picked up and am thinking about this pattern as it is appropriate for this theme. Funny at Olde City Quilts they were having a sew in!!!

And last but not least I did a little knitting once I left the sewing room. I watched my daily recording of the View and worked on this scarf a bit. This project has been lingering entirely too long. I need to finish it.