I was in NY for work Tues & Wed this past week. Tuesday I was downtown Manhattan so I popped into Seaport Yarns. Knit Designer Nicky Epstein happened to be there, not for an appearance but to purchase yarn for some upcoming projects she has in the works. It was very nice to meet her. She asked my opinions about yarns and I was happy to oblige. Of course I made a "small" purchase while there. No pictures, I still haven't unpacked my bag yet.
Sadly on Wednesday morning my good friend Joanne passed away. She had been sick for awhile, with a lot of bad pain especially this past year. It's never easy to lose a loved one but at least now she's at peace. My friend Gail and I have been running around like crazy this week making arrangements and clearing out her apartment. The poor thing had no family except a brother in California that she really didn't know. Her memorial service is later on this evening.

On top of that yesterday I ran up to NY for a bridal shower for a cousin. I was so tired I really didn't want to go but I am glad that I did. I had a great time and saw many friends and relatives.

I attempted to start a team but the only ones who walked were my daughter and myself pushing my grandsons in their strollers. Luckily the weather was great and we completed the 5 mile walk in a little over two hours. I did leave my dd behind towards the end because she started slowing down too much for me. Plus she stopped almost to the halfway turning point. She had a good reason, Naseem started fussing so she stopped to feed him. Teon and I continued on while she fed the baby and waited for us to come back. Regardless young people, they are soooo out of shape. Do you know her friends and my sons said 5 miles is too long to walk? They ought to be ashamed. If this old granny can do it they should be able to.

I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my sponsors of family and friends who made a donation to the March of Dimes.
So this is just a little of what it's been like for me. Hopefully within the next few days I can pick up a hook or my needles and get some crafting done. I have quite a few WIPs that I'd like to get back to.