I had a three day weekend. I spent half of it working in the house stripping wall paper and painting stairs. Other half I spent finishing up some WIPs and trying to get through some of the stash.
I finished this round ripple afghan. I was going to give it to my grandson. But my oldest son saw it and commented on how neat it was. I asked him jokingly if he wanted it and he said yes. Go figure. How much you want to bet my youngest son will want one??? Can't do for one and not the other around here. :-) I used TLC Lustre that I picked up on sale a few weeks ago.

This capelet and scarf was done with leftover Bernat Soft Boucle, leftover from the cardigan I did for the Olympic CAL. I would of prefered the capelet to be a little longer but I ran out of yarn. I got the pattern from
Craftster. I actually started the scarf a week ago. I still prefer crocheting, it's a lot quicker for me.

And the next capelet I used up some leftover Jo~Ann Rainbow Boucle. Pattern came from Simply Creative Crochet.